Day 7: Favourite Movie

Ginger Lime
2 min readSep 17, 2020

If I have to pick one favorite movie I’d pick The confessions of a shopaholic.

It is a romance drama genre movie — my favorite. The movie is about a girl, Rebecca Bloomwood, who is in her 20’s. She has a job and she’s a shop addict. She had millions of credit cards which she used when she shops. For that, she’s been chased down by a debt collector. It is worsened when the place she worked in bankrupt.

She applies to another job, her dream job, which is working in a fashion magazine. Unfortunately, the position has been filled. But there was a vacancy in the other subsidiary magazine that is an economic magazine. This is pretty funny because Rebecca doesn't really have good economic planning herself (judging from her shop addiction, her debt, and her credit cards) and never have an interest in economics.

It turns out she made a breakthrough in those magazines which she had to write articles every month. She turned the magazine from boring into fun because the way she wrote on those articles was she positioned herself as a shopaholic (well, it is true, but nobody in that magazine knew that). Her boss, Luke, started to like her and they started dating.

The problems started to rise when the lies got bigger, the shop addiction becomes uncontrollable, she has to lie to everyone even her best friend, Suze. It was ended up by her was finally found by her debt collector and all the lies fall into places. She got left behind by everyone.

She went to her parent's house, got some insights, and finally conducting a garage sale to repay all the debts.

It was a light, funny, romantic movie perfect after a hectic chaotic humpy weeks. I love that kind of movie, especially when it includes a hustling woman. If I may mention my other favourite movie it would be Devil wears Prada, see the similarities? I wish they’re tons of movie like this in the future because I started to run out.

