Day 2: Things that make you happy

Ginger Lime
3 min readSep 12, 2020

There are a million things that could make me happy. I’ll point out some but I probably will miss out most of it.

Ice cream, I love salted caramel and strawberry flavor. Those are my go-to.

Adventure, sudden — unplanned — adventure. Or any kind of adventure actually. Hiking, driving around the city, picnic, eating outside, trying new food, running, going to the mall, whatever. I love to go out.

A late-night stroll around the city, either by car, motorcycle, or walking. The breeze you feel on top of your skin, the chilly weather, ah I love. The dimming lights, empty roads, slow music, it really feels like the town is yours and it made me so so happy.

Gazing! either a night full of stars, the view of a city and its dimming lights, a bright sky full of clouds, or a long gaze into the horizon. I could stare at it for hours.

My family. Sometimes they’re annoying and pissed me off. But they’re my truly supporting system, my home, the place I come back to. I’d love to always have them around.

A day off where I don’t have anything to do. Where I can do whatever I want. I could do some workout, watching movies, cooking, watching television, watching cartoons, reading books, playing with my cat. Who doesn't love free time?

A well-spent day with my friend. A day out, quality time. A good conversation with my friends, updating them on how life has been going, what we have been doing, what our plans are.

I feel like I am getting old but I’ve been liking tea, ginger, lime, lemon, chamomile, honey. It’s calming, fresh, and a perfect company for books.

A nice breakfast, where you have a complete meal. You got carbs, protein, fruit, milk. Yum.

Lead me to yummy food. Happy tummy happy me of course.

Sports activities. Futsal, basketball, badminton, running, hiking, working out at home, Zumba, cardio dance.

Concerts! Dancing and singing out loud till you’re feeling sore but you just keep going because you got this adrenaline so high you can't even feel the pain till after it's done.

Focused on class. It feels so nice if you can grasp so much during class and feel you’re learning a lot. You feel full.

Being helpful to someone. It feels so nice when you actually can ease someone else's struggle, by giving them information, giving them motivation, or maybe just a little smile to help them get through the day.

A nice day. A bright sunny day but there’re still clouds so it's not that hot. A rainy day is also nice too. A dark cloudy cold day where all you want to do is either jump on the rain or snuggling under the blanket.

Being healthy. Not feeling any pain, dizziness, nauseous, breathing just fine, fresh, and fit body. Just this alone it’s already a lot of blessing.

Feel content about yourself, your surrounding, your family, your friends. It is very heart fulfilling to be aware of what you have and feel enough.

Of all the things that could make me happy, one thing for sure is: to be grateful. Grateful is a million things of happiness. When you feel bored and sad then you realize that you’re able to breathe just fine, you still can see, walk, talk, feel, or just healthy in general, surrounded by the people you love, being in the position that you are right now, and realize you are in a good place. Realize that you've been blessed with the countless things you didn't notice before make me happy. Sometimes we’re so busy looking for happiness outside and don't recognize that it really starts inside. Just be aware and feel enough about everything. It is better if you can accept it, filling it with purpose, and share those with others. What a multiple million things it is.

